海鸥 Sea-gull
你只是海上的劳工 You' re only a laborer on the sea
像以船为家的渔夫 Like a seaman who uses his boat as his home
为了活过新的一天 He is working from dawn to night
起早贪黑地劳作 Only to survive another day
在烈日当空时 When the burning sun is rightly above its head
久久地盘旋 It is hovering for a long time
在汪洋中寻觅 Looking for a quarry as tiny as
针一样细小的猎物 A needle in the vast sea
翅膀猛然一收 Suddenly it draws in its wings
尖喙直直冲下 And its sharp beak is straightly dashing down
像一粒石子 Like a carpolite
被扔进波涛 Thrown into the surges
只有溅起的水花 There are only spattering sprays
安慰你漂亮的动作 Which are consoling your beautiful action
晕旋的俯冲要重复多少次How many times should you repeat your swooning swoops
才能捕获一枚小鱼 To catch a fingering
正当你得意时,小鱼 When you have your moment, the fingering
挣脱而去,重归大海 Breaks loose and returns to the boundless sea
更多的时候,你拼命 In more cases, you risks your life
啄取的,只是小鱼的幻象Only to peck the idol of a fingering
到最后,你是一根 At last, you are a feather
浸透了盐水的羽毛 Soaked with salty water
在无尽的波浪中漂浮 Floating in endless waves
忍受着小鱼的戏弄 Standing the teasing of a fingering