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新时代 新诗歌 |窗花的九种英解║总第4期

2019-04-01 08:33:50 作者:空也静 | 来源:中诗网 | 阅读:
主持人:王磊 张俊锋

  主持人:王磊 张俊锋




译本一 石永浩
Window Paper-cut
By Kongyejing
Translated by SHI Yonghao
With scissors
She calls out the bird  from the paper
It gently alights on the window paper-cut
Chirping a man’s name time and again
Till seeing him back
It won’t fly away

译本二 王昌玲
Window Papercut
By Kongyejing
Translated by WANG Changling

A woman scissors
A sheet of paper into that bird
Who flutters its wings
To alight on a window pane
Twittering nonstop a name
Before the man returns
It will there remain

译本三 王磊(宛城卧龙)
By KONG Yejing
Translated by William Wang
A woman used a pair of scissors
From the paper, to call that bird out
Flapping its wings
Alighting gently on the paper-cut
And on and on calling a man’s name
As long as the man is not back home
It will not fly away

译本四 魏红霞
Paper-cut Shapes for Window Decoration  
By Empty & Silent
Translated by Beatrice
The woman, with a pair of scissors
Conjures a bird out of a sheet of paper
Which flaps its wings
And alights gently on a window lattice
Then calls the man’s name endlessly
Till the man comes home
It will stay here alone

译本五 史潘荣
The Paper-cut Bird on Window
By Kongyejing
Translated by SHI Panrong
A woman uses scissors
And cuts paper into a bird.
Fluttering its wings,
It alights on the window,
Calling someone’s name,
As if not to leave
Until her man returns.

译本六 王绍昌

Window Pane
BY Vacant and Quiet
Translated by WANG Shaochang
(aka Poetry and Yonder)
With paper and scissors,
A woman alerted the bird
Which alighted on the window pane,
Fluttering its wings,
Incessantly murmuring
A man’s name,
Seemingly intent to linger there
Until her man returns.

译本七 张琼
Paper-cut Bird
By Kongyejing
Translated by ZHANG Qiong

With a pair of scissors,
The woman from paper wakens the bird,
And then it flutters its wings
To alight on the window,
Chirping away at a man
In a melancholy way
Until he is back.

译本八 张俊锋

Window Paper-cut
By Kong Yejing
Translated by ZHANG Junfeng
Under the woman's scissors
A bird is born out of the paper
She flutters
And alights on the paper-cut lithely
She calls a man's name repeatedly
And will not go away
Unless he is back home

译本九 王琳
Paper Lace
By Kong Yejing (Sh’an Xi)
Translated by Rosalina

With a pair of shears a woman
Calls forth from paper that bird
Fluttering its wings
While landing on the paper lace
And crying out incessantly a man’s name.
So long the man is not back
It will not fly away




主 办:中诗网 译诗群
总策划:周占林 宛城卧龙